Sunday, July 29, 2007

a couple exciting details . . .

As many of you know, there's a similar version of our floor plan (the 2003/sf Studio Momentum design) being built down the hill from us that is much further a long than ours and the builders recently installed the "pipe curtain wall" next to their stairs. I was very curious as to how this was going to look and think the (almost) final product is awesome!!

Here are a couple pix . . .

We also found out recently that the types of windows currently installed on the west side of our house will be replaced with versions that look more like the ones in the same house mentioned above - we're also VERY happy about this!

Current windows . . .

The new windows will look a little more like this . . .

The elecrticians are scheduled to come in tomorrow (Monday) and start their part of the build . . . things are moving right along!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

progress, but not very obvious from the outside . . .

Well, we've been on the road for the past 3 weeks and made it back out to the house this evening. While there's been progress on the inside, not much has changed on the outside. Here are some pix (nevermind the cute kids you see every once in a while) . . .

front view . . . fascia and eves have been painted and I like our choices so far! The gray metal roofing has also been installed on the 3rd story roof (but you can really only see this when onboard on of the SWA 737s approaching ABIA)

HVAC guys have been hard at work . . . looks as though most duct work is complete throughout the house.

The welders have returned and have the fabricated the stairway to the master suite (the treads will be fiber glue-lam material when all is said and done - just scrap wood in place for now).

another angle . . .

Here's a shot from the 3rd floor master loft/dressing area into the bedroom . . .

and another shot form the master bedroom looking through the loft/dressing area into the giant master bathroom (I'll get better pix later, the shower is gigantic!) . . . again, nevermind the kids, this may be the last time they're allowed to go up there!

the plumbers have been onsite too . . . I think the tub is only in the living room temporarily (I sure hope so anyway) . . .

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

ahhh, the wood . . .

We now have our cedar wood siding installed. We're heading out of town for a few weeks so here are some pics from a variety of angles as the house is right now - I hope to see some substantial changes when we return on July 23rd.