Wednesday, May 30, 2007

pause in the action . . .

Well, the framing frenzy has slowed as they needed to catch a couple updates in the framing plan. Glad they're taking care of this now rather then getting further down the road before noticing. Here are a few random pix . . .

The first glimps of our view from the kitchen/dining room . . .

A couple sliders are going to be slightly larger than what the framers thought - all sliders will be 6' wide and 8' tall . . .

Saturday, May 26, 2007

movin' on up . . .

Despite the rain, the framing crew is makin' very good progress!!! It's been so muddy, I have yet to venture down the hill and inside the house (wow, I just called it a house . . . cool!). Here are a few pix . . .

Bottom floor is complete . . .

hints of the middle floor walls before the heavy rains halted work on Friday afternoon . . .

The guys have been workin' all day Saturday and are making their way to the third floor . . .

Thursday, May 24, 2007

We're being framed . . .

Yes Ladies and Gentleman, the framing has begun . . .

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

site clean up . . .

a little Bobcat was out today cleaning up around our new foundation . . .

Friday, May 18, 2007

more wood and foundation forms removed . . .

here are a few more pics . . . seems as though framing should begin any day . . .

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

we have a foundation!

Yes, believe it or not, 1 year, 1 month, and 10 days after signing our contract to purchase a house in agave, we have a foundation. I certainly hope the management changes that have recently taken place within Vincinia Inc. have a remarkable effect on the progress from here forward.

Here are some pics of the pour . . .

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

almost there . . .

Forms are set, rebar is in, pre-pour inspection is scheduled for today, concrete should arrive later this week and the foundation will FINALLY be complete! While I know the completion date is still a LONG way in the future, I am looking forward to the framing stage as that always goes very fast (compared to the rest of the process anyway).