Thursday, June 29, 2006


Karen and I met with Chris Czichos and Julie Ferri of agave today to review the revised plans from Travis and I am HAPPY to report that we have officially signed off for the plans to be submitted for permitting - YEAH!!!! The revised plans are just as we wanted, with only "slight" modifications that Chris simply "red lined" on the plans that will be copied for the construction crew.

Chris also said that they were very hopful that the permitting process will be much better (i.e. faster) in the near future. Apparently the city is voting tomorrow on a rule change that will give S.M.A.R.T. housing projects priority and, since all agave homes are a part of this program, they should jump way up the list. Keep you fingers crossed!

I'll try and get digital versions of the revised plans and post ASAP.


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  2. Congratulations! As long as the city changes back that permitting rule, everything should move pretty quick now!
    Really, good for you guys - I can't wait to see the updated plans!

    5353 Agatha Circle
